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ezAudit Release Notes

Release notes include changes, enhancements and corrections by date and version number of the application. For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History.

Version - 01/11/2023

  1. Enhancement. Support for latest Windows 11 builds has been added.

Version - 06/06/2022

  1. Enhancement. When working with multiple audit reports, ezAudit can now used a tabbed interface for each document. This simplifies switching among documents. If you wish to turn on this feature, use the main menu item View | Tabbed Windows. Your preference is saved when exit ezAudit and restored on the next program launch.

  2. Enhancement. ezAudit now detects Windows 11 and adjusts its display accordingly.

  3. Change. Support for operating systems prior to Windows XP has been dropped. In order to use ezAudit, the host operating system must be Windows XP or later.

Version - 09/08/2016

  1. Enhancement. Multi-day audit reports can now optionally be saved as daily files, one for each day included in the report.

Version - 04/26/2016

  1. Enhancement. ezAudit now detects Windows 10 and adjusts its display accordingly.

Version - 06/08/2015

  1. Enhancement. Station configuration information can now be exported and imported in Preferences. Exported station information can be used by ezEdit, ezSuite and XStudio with minor adjustments after importing the information into one of of these applications.

  2. Enhancement. Minor changes have been made to some dialogs to improve text readability in some operating systems, most notably Windows Server 2003.

  3. Fix. When displaying the audit report selection dialog, the Scanning Files information panel would very occasionally get hidden behind the selection dialog as ezAudit was scanning for available files.

For information on less-recent changes and enhancements, see the Revision History.