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XStudio PostMajik

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XStudio PostMajik is a suite of applications PostMajik_Slug_01_Purpleused to send your radio station's "Now Playing" information to your web site and/or an RDS/RDBS encoder. Supported host audio systems include XStudio, DCS and Maestro (v3.0 and above).

You can use XStudio PostMajik to process data from multiple radio stations concurrently, based on the number of station licenses you purchase. For each station, you can create multiple posting items and post to multiple locations, each with its own message format.

XStudio PostMajik's main program runs in the background (as a Windows service) and is monitored and administered by a client application known as PostMajik Client.

Quick Links

How XStudio PostMajik Works

What's New in XStudio PostMajik

Key Features of XStudio PostMajik

System Requirements

Configuring XStudio PostMajik

Using XStudio PostMajik

Using PostMajik Converter (Convert crWebBB Data)

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